Tribes of people with a single characteristic that alters all relations between them as we know them. An alternative form of society that is not really that far from the one we are used to.


Tribes of people with a single characteristic that alters all relations between them as we know them. An alternative form of society that is not really that far from the one we are used to.


What if you knew when you are going to die? What if everyone knew the day they were going to die? But only their own. Imagine that. A world where all people knew their expiration date, with one condition though:

You cannot tell anyone else. Only you know, and you keep it to yourself. What would your life be like? How would you treat others? How would others treat you? How would that information modify the human bonds?


How far would you go if you had nowhere to come back to? A sense of home offers some assurance, but how much liberation lies in the absence of one? Creating and sustaining a secure base may serve as an advantage, but doesn’t it sometimes become an end in itself? What lies in the supreme effort to maintain an intact home, even if there is nothing worth housing in it?