What if the myth of the Acherusia lake necromancers survived till today? If such oracles existed, they would be called ‘bandogs’. They lead a solitary life with the purpose of guiding a person to contact his dead ones.


The bandog that started it all… The story that inspired the first short film of Spying Art Productions. 

She is a bandog. Her past is dark enough to be one, and the pain she has been through herself is constantly implied by her scarred face. She travels on a horse out in the wild with the sole companion of her knife. He is a man of agitation and anxiety, seeks to communicate with his dead wife and daughter, but is torn between his desire to retaliate for their loss and his thirst for forgiveness by his beloved ones. Her integrity is the missing element he needs in order to set a solid purpose in his life and decide on its pursuit. 


He is a bandog of the earth, the elements surrounding him are his only guide. He perceives the world with all his senses, except his eyesight. He is blind, but he can guide the one who needs him, better than anyone else. She is a young woman who mourns her twin sister. She is desperate to contact her as she is haunted by the guilt that she should have been in her place. Her only physical difference from her twin, the colour of their eyes.


He is a slender man that exercises his body and his mind with constant and repeatedly practice. He resides in an old temple and is paired with his sword as if it is something more that a weapon; to him it is a reliable comrade. She is a mother who was struck by the harsh tragedy of burying her own son and has lost all sense of direction in her life since. She has given up the will to live, and even the reason to think, so she has quit all effort to attend to the rest of her family or even herself.


He is a man that relies on his primitive instincts to survive, just like all fellow species around him in the wild and entrusts his existence in the rules of nature. He studies its ways and lives by the organic harmony that extends from the smallest particles of his body, to the vast universal principles. He is encountered by a man who is dedicated in the rules of science as a doctor, but however failed to cure and save his own wife who died of a threatening disease. Since then he finds that her loss has not only deranged his family life but has a disrupting impact on his profession as well, as he is unable to control his knowledge and expertise as he has been accustomed to all these years. His wife’s death has forced him to confront the haunting truth that contrary to what he thought, he has no possession over anything at all, not even his gained proficiency.